Intervention Insights announces first precision medicine platform to resolve the complexities of molecular testing for cancer care
Trapelo™ enables oncologists to identify in real time the right patients for molecular testing and the right tests to perform by preferred labs for actionable results that lead to faster, more targeted treatment choices when time matters most.
WALTHAM, MA – December 7, 2017: Intervention Insights is pleased to announce the availability of Trapelo, a true advancement in the use of molecular science and targeted therapies for cancer patients. The first-of-its-kind, decision support, order management and results reporting solution for molecular testing enables real-time alignment among oncologists, labs and payors in the dynamic and increasingly complex world of precision medicine.
To learn more about how Trapelo supports oncologists and their practices, visit
The team at Intervention Insights, a company dedicated to putting cancer patients first, heard oncologists asking for better lab order intelligence, more actionable test results, and evidence-supported use of molecular therapies across all major cancer types.
“We envisioned a solution that would standardize the interpretive data oncologists received from labs, regardless of the lab they used,” says Clynt Taylor, who joined Intervention Insights as Chief Executive Officer earlier this year. “Trapelo allows doctors to order from any lab through a single-order management module that presents the latest evidence specific to a patient’s disease and clinical stage. Ensuring reimbursement policies are aligned with current evidence reduces administrative hurdles, so oncologists can make more informed testing and precision medicine treatment decisions faster.”
Trapelo’s transparent approach streamlines authorization of testing and treatment, reducing unnecessary delays and anxiety for patients. The platform features configurable lab and payor modules that facilitate evidence-based support for almost any reimbursement policy to optimize efficiency while giving oncologists the confidence that they have ordered the most relevant test for their patient.
“Trapelo is the result of years of continuous, meticulous content aggregation, curation, and contextualization of all published clinical evidence related to genomic changes and targeted therapies in oncology,” says Russell Ingersoll, PhD, Chief Product Officer, Intervention Insights.
Trapelo’s rich, unbiased and continuously updated knowledgebase aligns the most current evidence with molecular diagnostic lab tests, ranking each test and treatment option by its level of supporting evidence. With Trapelo, oncologists now have access to unprecedented insights and actionable reports, as well as alerts to current clinical trials that may be appropriate for their patients.
About Intervention Insights
Intervention Insights believes that everyone wants the best care for cancer patients. Working together with oncologists, labs and payors makes this possible. Trapelo was created to address the challenges associated with the rapidly changing science, technology and business of next-generation cancer care.
For more information, contact Intervention Insights Business Communications Manager, Elaine Freund at